Vietnam    10.03.2014    Transindus

There's no rule that says once you have a family adventurous holidays need to become a thing of the past, and in fact there are plenty of Asian adventures that are really well suited to parents and children. To help give you ideas for your next trip, we've put together a list of some of the most exciting experiences your family could share together.

Cycling in Vietnam 

Cycling is a fantastic family activity, but it becomes even better when you do it in new, exotic surroundings. Vietnam is an absolutely brilliant destination for an active family break (especially as you can include some great walks too), giving you the opportunity to take the kids on amazing adventures through beautiful countryside peppered with rice paddies, bustling local markets and lovely old towns. Hue and Hoi An are particularly good areas for cycling, with little villages like Cau Ngoi Thanh Toan, Cua Dai and Tra Que perfect for pedalling through.


Camel treks and desert camps in Rajasthan, India 

Few things will get younger travellers as excited as the thought of camel treks and sleeping under the stars - and Rajasthan is the perfect destination for both these things. This state is where you'll find the Thar Desert, which is a real contrast to the busy throng of India's cities. Camel trekking here, you'll be able to see little apart from sand dunes stretching as far as the eye can see, while staying in a luxury camp overnight will offer the perfect opportunity to gaze at the night sky at its most dazzling.

Tiger safaris in Central India 

Of course, Asia is home to some amazing wildlife, and the rare Bengal tiger is one of the real highlights. If you want to give your children the chance to see this incredible creature, take them tiger spotting in one of Central India's parks. Madhya Pradesh is home to several reserves with strong tiger populations - particularly Bandhavgarh National Park, which is believed to have the highest density of these animals on the planet.


Elephant trekking in Thailand

Elephants are another popular animal to spot when exploring Asia, and there are few destinations better than Chiang Mai in Thailand if you want to get a close-up experience of them. Indeed, some tour itineraries offer things like exciting elephant treks, which will provide some fantastic memories for children in particular, while places like the Elephant Nature Park offer opportunities to feed and bathe these gentle giants.

Trek along the Great Wall of China 

The Great Wall of China is one of the world's most famous landmarks, and while you might not want to take the children along a trek of all of it (though this could appeal to older teenagers), there are plenty of tours that give you the opportunity to trek along a portion of this 8,850 km long wall. For instance, one of the most impressive parts of the wall lies near Beijing, which means you can head out on a day trip to tackle a manageable section of it during your time here.


Whale watching in Mirissa, Sri Lanka 

For a very different experience, travel to Sri Lanka and make your way to the picturesque fishing port of Mirissa. A fantastic destination for whale watching, this port offers boat trips to help you spot whales and dolphins. In fact, you'll have the chance to see more than 20 species of whale and several species of dolphin - and encountering any of these up close and in the wild is an experience like no other.


Explore the jungles of Borneo 

Reading or watching the Jungle Book is a staple of most childhoods, and whether your children still love this classic story or did so when they were smaller, the jungles of Borneo cannot fail to capture their imagination - and yours too! The rainforests here are some of the oldest on the planet, and are home to a huge variety of creatures. Plus, as well as seeing them in the wild, you can travel to specialist centres, such as the Sepilok orang-utan centre, to see them up close.


Climb Mount Fuji, Japan 

Few things give you as great a sense of achievement as climbing a mountain, and there are few peaks as impressive or as beautiful as Mount Fuji in Japan. Summer is the best time for the climb, as this is when the summit is most accessible - you just need to make sure everyone is sufficiently full of energy before you start!
