Time zone: UTC +8 hours

Flying time: 13 hours

Capital: Singapore


The local currency is Singapore dollars.


Visiting Singapore poses no particular health risk. There is no mandatory vaccination for Singapore unless visiting from a Yellow Fever infected country (i.e., an African country). Singapore’s climate is warm and humid year round, so be sure to drink plenty of fluid to prevent dehydration. 

We recommend you carry with you a small supply of basic health care medication such as travel sickness tablets, anti-diarrhoea tablets, antacids for indigestion, sun creams and selected antibiotics after discussion with your doctor. Although most of these items are available in Singapore, the security provided by brands one is used to, is reassuring.

We strongly recommend that all travellers be properly insured for the holiday. While taking insurance, please check that it includes repatriation costs.


During the day it is best to wear light, comfortable cottons with a pair of good ventilated walking shoes. For the sightseeing sessions you may find a good pair of sunglasses and a sun-hat handy. At monuments/temples/mosques, it is advisable to avoid sleeveless tops and short skirts. You may also be asked to remove your shoes.


Singapore is famed for its shopping experience. You can find all kinds of stores selling almost anything under the sun in the many shopping centres around the island!

When purchasing an expensive item, always check the level of duty payable in the UK on your import.  Please remember Customs Duty and VAT is payable on all goods above the value of £340 per person, even if an item is exempt from other import duties.   


The electric voltage in Singapore is 230 volt AC. Both round pins and British type plugs are used in Singapore and it advisable to carry a universal adaptor. 


Tipping is not encouraged as most hotels and restaurants in Singapore already levy a 10% service charge on customers' bills. Tipping is not a way of life in Singapore and is prohibited at the airport.

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