Foodies may not be surprised to know that Peking duck is among one of the many highlights to be enjoyed on a trip to China. The dish is an integral part of Chinese culture and a tasty one at that, with its origins thought to date back to the Yuan dynasty.
To be classed as Peking duck, the bird - usually a white Beijing duck - must be prepared in a special way, with its skin brushed with a layer of sugar before roasting it upright in the oven. It is usually served with pancakes, plum sauce and spring onions, which normally requires some self assembly after the chef has carved the duck at the table.
There are a wide number of top quality restaurants in Beijing serving Peking duck and it is worth picking carefully in order to make the most of the experience. Along with the main event, most people order side dishes, which can include other parts of the duck, including the tongue, heart and liver.